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Mathematics and Science Education

Mathematics and Science Education, Ph.D.


The Mathematics and Science Education (MSE) Ph.D. program is an interdisciplinary program designed to train academic researchers and educational professionals to carry out, evaluate, and integrate research in mathematics or science education. The interdisciplinary nature of the program is manifested in two ways. First, similar to other STEM education Ph.D. programs, the MSE program requires students to develop content mastery of mathematics or science and demonstrate an understanding of educational theories, research methodologies, and best practices in mathematics or science education. Thus, graduates are scholars who work at the intersection of a mathematical or scientific domain and education. Second, and unique to the MTSU MSE program is the requirement that students can compare and contrast the nature of knowledge and how knowledge is created and taught or learned across mathematics and scientific disciplines, creating scholars who can work collaboratively with other mathematical and/or science education researchers. We offer preparation for students to serve in faculty positions or leadership roles in mathematics and science education at the undergraduate level or in K-12 settings, including work with in-service and pre-service teachers.

This program offers four distinct concentrations:

  • Mathematics and Science Education, Biological Education Concentration, Ph.D.
  • Mathematics and Science Education, Chemical Education Concentration, Ph.D.
  • Mathematics and Science Education, Interdisciplinary Science Education Concentration, Ph.D.
  • Mathematics and Science Education, Mathematics Education Concentration, Ph.D.

The MSE community engages with cutting-edge work in science and mathematics education through coursework as well as at our regular MSE Seminar Series. In addition, students work closely in collaboration faculty members to conduct research, often through externally funded assistantships.

What do MSE Students experience?

  • A strong sense of community
  • Collaborative research with faculty from the first year in the program
  • High quality faculty mentoring
  • Funding to attend conferences and support and mentoring to present and publish research before graduations
  • Meaningful participation in STEM disciplines with a rigorous breadth of education knowledge
  • Flexibility to customize their experience to meet their professional goals

News Briefs

Study explores religion, science role in teaching evolution

A first-of-its-kind study led by Middle Tennessee State University biology researcher Elizabeth Barnes suggests that a difference in culture and beliefs between science instructors and students may inadvertently lead to low acceptance of evolution among minority students — particularly Black students — in biology. Read more here.

MTSU duo among national award-winning team

An MTSU math faculty member and doctoral student are a part of a national award-winning  team.

Assistant professor Jennifer Lovett and graduate student Demet Yalman Ozen, both from Murfreesboro, recently earned the 2021 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators National Technology Leadership Initiative award.

The team included doctoral candidate Nina Bailey and associate professor Allison McCulloch of the University of North Carolina Charlotte; associate professor Lara Kristen Dick of Bucknell University; and associate professor Charity Cayton of East Carolina University.

They created a framework to teach undergraduates what to look for when trying to understand student thinking when the middle school or high school student is doing mathematics with technology. Information about the six recipients can be found here.

[Read more]


This program aims to produce college-level professors and researchers in mathematics and science education. It also helps prepare leaders in K-12 mathematics and science education whose jobs require them to perform, evaluate, and integrate the results of research in mathematics and science education into classrooms.

Employers of MTSU alumni include

Our graduates have been employed by the following institutions:

  • Aquinas College, Nashville TN
  • Aspen Academy, Denver, CO
  • Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
  • Belmont University, Nashville, TN
  • California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
  • Central Magnet School, Murfreesboro, TN
  • Coffee County School District, Manchester, TN
  • Crowley Ridge College, Paragould, AR
  • James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
  • Lander University, Greenwood, SC
  • Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN
  • Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN
  • Motlow Community College, Smyrna, TN
  • Smyrna High School, Smyrna, TN
  • Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
  • Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
  • Trinity Washington University, Washington, DC
  • University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
  • University of Alabama at Huntsville, Huntsville, AL
  • University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
  • University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
  • University of North Alabama, Florence, AL
  • University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
  • University of South Alabama
  • Webb School, Bell Buckle, TN
  • Welch College, Gallatin, TN
  • Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
  • Wright State University, Dayton, OH


MSE Supplemental Application

Click here to download the document.


Research and teaching assistantships, with stipends beginning at $20,100, are available on a competitive basis to full-time students in the MSE program. In addition to the stipend, the university also pays all tuition for assistantship holders. Non-Tennessee residents who are awarded a graduate assistantship are not required to pay out-of-state fees. To learn more about the types of graduate assistantships and to download an application, visit the Graduate Studies Assistantship page.

The College of Graduate Studies also awards a limited number of scholarships. For additional information and applications, visit the Graduate Studies Finance page.

In addition to assistantships and scholarships, MTSU’s Office of Financial Aid assists graduate students seeking other forms of financial support while in school.

Related Links

Contact Us

Jennifer J. Kaplan,
Program Director
DSB 139, Box# 76
(615) 898-5353